Monday, February 16, 2009

london calling

Why hello!

Happy Valentines Day! (ok, so i'm a little late..) Stephen and I ate dinner at an italian restaurant called Restaurant Aurora, it was delicious! He also got me beautiful roses! 

On Sunday we went to St. Paul's Cathedral!! It was even more beautiful than Westminster Abbey! Which sounds crazy but it's true! The service was great, I really loved it! Later on Stephen and I went out to see some sites. We planned on starting at Marble Arch and walking through Hyde Park to Buckingham. Too bad it started raining when we got to Marble Arch. (despite being bright and sunny when we left Endsleigh) Kind of reminded me of Texas weather! 

Today has been tiring. 

We started with a three hour tour of Westminster Abbey. The first two hours were fine, but then it just got to be too much! The building is crammed full of giant marble statues and plaques.  Which is good and all...but slightly obnoxious...not to mention the large amounts of people also crammed in there...also obnoxious.  I don't mean to complain, I got to see some amazing monuments and tombs!  Yet, Stephen and I had to run away to art class!  Todays class was the Wallace Collection! It was collected in the 18th and 19th centuries by the first four marquesses of Hertford and Sir Richard Wallace.  The collection is held in the families home in London, which was given to British Nation along with all of the art, furniture, crystal, and china. It was amazing, and the best part was seeing a few painting that I've studied at HSU!

Well it's evening now...
I've just been laying around. I'm about to microwave some Uncle Ben's express rice and go see Stephen.  I'm proud of myself for updating on a more timely basis! It's meant that I don't have to remember what i've done! haha...kidding..

Ok I'm out of it. I just booked my families trip to Paris!
Love you guys,

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